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GitHub Single Sign-On

Streamline access with GitHub SSO: Integrate your Argos team and GitHub organization for seamless member sync, enhancing security and management ease.

Enabling Feature

  1. Navigate to team settings.
  2. Click "Enable and Pay" under the "GitHub Single Sign-On" section.
  3. Select your team, authorize Argos on GitHub, and the feature will be activated.
Enable GitHub SSO

Disabling Feature

In team settings, click "Disable" under the "GitHub Single Sign-On" section and confirm. The "owners" will remain as a member of the team.

GitHub SSO enabled

Availability and Payment

The cost of this add-on is $50 / month and it's exclusive to Stripe subscribers.

When you enable GitHub SSO, your team will be charged for the feature on your monthly billing. You will see "Add-on: GitHub SSO" line on your invoice. This feature can be disabled at any time.