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Happy moment — Photo by Aziz Acharki

Visual testing

A journey to image stabilization

How Argos implemented automatic image stabilization to improve visual testing accuracy.
Greg Bergé
Visual regression testing setup with Storybook and GitHub Actions


Integrating Argos with Storybook and GitHub Actions: A Complete Guide

Set up visual regression testing for your UI components with Argos, Storybook, and GitHub Actions. Automate detection of visual changes within your CI/CD pipeline to ensure consistent and high-quality interfaces.
Greg Bergé
Visual testing process illustration


What is Visual Testing? A Comprehensive Guide to UI Consistency

Learn what visual testing is, why it's essential for web and mobile applications, and how it helps prevent UI regressions. Explore different visual testing methods, tools, and best practices.
Greg Bergé
Push to reset the world.


Migrating from Radix to React Aria: Improving Accessibility and UX

We migrated from Radix and Ariakit to React Aria to enhance accessibility, improving keyboard navigation, screen reader support, and overall user experience.
Greg Bergé
Photo by Veri Ivanova


Speed up your Playwright tests

Discover powerful techniques to make your Playwright tests run twice as fast using Docker, browser caching, and parallel execution. Boost your CI efficiency and streamline your development workflow.
Greg Bergé
Vercel covered with Argos

Developer Experience

How to Integrate Argos for Visual Testing with Vercel Preview: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn how to set up Argos visual testing integration on Vercel Preview deployments using GitHub Actions, enhancing your CI/CD pipeline for better visual regression detection.
Greg Bergé
Image not loaded

Visual testing

Stabilize Flaky Tests for Visual Testing

Explore common use-cases responsible for flaky tests in visual testing and best practices to resolve them.
Jeremy Sfez
App with pink mask


Argos WebDriverIO Update: Introducing Navbar Masking

Introducing Navbar Masking in Argos's latest WebDriverIO update. A concise solution for mobile visual testing, addressing the challenges of dynamic navbar elements. Enhance testing precision with ease.
Jeremy Sfez
Playwright Inspector


Time-Travel Debugging: A Playwright Traces Tutorial

Dive into the world of efficient CI debugging with Playwright Traces. This guide offers practical insights for developers to effortlessly diagnose and fix failed tests.
Jeremy Sfez
Developer at work

API testing

Enforce API Stability with Zod and Argos

Argos and Zod are the ultimate duo for ensuring API stability across your whole app at low cost.
Jeremy Sfez
Brown analog clock — Photo by Kevin Ku

Visual Testing

Startup Testing Dilemma: E2E or Not E2E?

In the race of startup growth, maintaining a rapid delivery pace is essential. Yet, to keep that pace, product quality can't take a back seat — it's the shield against disruptive rework and unexpected bugs. While E2E tests stand tall as quality gatekeepers, are they always the right pick? Explore with us to discern the nuances.
Jeremy Sfez
Black mask — Photo by John Noonan


Automating Visual Testing with Playwright, Argos and GitHub Actions

How to automate visual testing with Playwright, Argos, and GitHub CI to review pull-request's visual changes and fix bugs before they make it into production.
Jeremy Sfez
Cosy guy with dog — Photo by devn

Developer Experience

How to improve developer experience (DX) with visual testing

As a developer, it's important to have confidence in the code you're writing and the applications you're building. One way to achieve this confidence is through visual testing.
Jeremy Sfez
Staircase / eye in library — Photo by Petri Heiskanen


The Importance of Visual Testing in Ensuring UI Quality

Visual testing is a critical part of ensuring the quality of a user interface. It involves comparing the visual appearance of a user interface to a set of predetermined criteria, in order to ensure that it meets design specifications and user expectations.
Jeremy Sfez